5 Reasons Why Recycling Your Old Mobile Is Beneficial

In the 21st Century, mobile phones are like oxygen, the most useful and trendy gadgets. Nowadays, mobile phones are made to give more convenience and the luxury of having everything you need. You will hardly find any reason to throw away your mobile phone. But to get a sleeker and more fabulous mobile phone, we sometimes throw out the old one.

This trend mobile phone disposal in the UK is quite common, and it is better to recycle a phone rather than to dispose of it. Here are five reasons why you should recycle your phone from one of the leading companies, UK Everything Mobile Limited.

1. Save Wildlife: 

We all talk about sustainability. We talk about the conservation of biodiversity and

wildlife. But in this electronic age, who can save wildlife? Well, one of the answers is the recycling of mobile phones. Yes, you read it right. Everything Mobile Limited says that mobile phone recycling helps in saving wildlife.

Waste cell phones are included in the waste dumped in countries with rising economies. However, these countries don't have the idea to handle this pile of waste garbage. If they don't find any option that disrupts it into the forest, and since forests are far from the urban spaces.

They forget that the forest in which they have dumped these wastes is home to several different species, which play a key role in the functioning of the environment.  Mobile phone disposal leads to contamination of harmful elements to the environment and adversely affects plants and animals where e-waste is dumped.

2. Conservation of Energy: 

Did you know that a single recycled used cell phone can save enough energy to power a laptop for almost two days? Suppose 130 million recycled phones can save energy to power 24,000 homes in a year. Mobile phones are composed of different components like gold, silver, and palladium, and these costly metals can also be recovered if they are properly recycled. According to some reports, Mobile phone disposal is quite common and ended up being stopped. 

3. Reusing old parts for new gadgets: 

To meet buyers' demand, thousands and thousands of mobile phones are created every year, and these gadgets need many components to be completely ready to be shipped. Through phone recycle in UK, you can get cash for old cell phones, and in addition, manufacturers reuse the old components for technological display. 

You can also hit two birds with one stone! But how? It is pretty simple, and you can sell your mobile phone to others who want your cell phone model. You will have cash in your pocket, and you will be able to fulfill someone's desire.

4. Charity: 

Can you believe cell phones are a great way to help charitable organizations or institutions? We all know the importance of mobile phones in our lives and their value in the market; therefore, they can be donated to charities. The cell phone For soldiers program aims to give soldiers a cost-free communication service during their duty. With the help of old and unused units, they can communicate directly with their loved ones.

5. Prevention of illness:

Mobile phone recycling helps in the prevention of serious illness. Phones are highly toxic. They contain lead, cadmium, and bromide. All these elements are quite harmful to health. If they are released into the atmosphere, their inhalation leads to suffering from many health issues, and they get more prone with time. The ozone layer is also depleted; as a result, it no longer has heat and will be trapped.


There are numerous reasons why the recycling of mobile phones should be encouraged, and mobile phone disposal is quite harmful to humans and the environment.


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