Why you need to Know about Dealing with Scrap Mobile Phones?

Humanity is celebrating the month of April as the Earth month. However, if we take care of the plastic and the toxic substances not going into our environment, we can make every day an Earth Day and every month an earth month. Most of us love buying new phones. Typically, most of the pop upgrade their phones every 24 months. However, we tend not to find the right use for the old devices, but we throw them into the drawer mindlessly. And a majority of mobile users are not aware of the recycling of scrap mobile phones . Nearly 130 million phones are discarded annually across the globe. Just about 20 % of the devices are reused and recycled properly. And a significant number of discarded mobile phones end up in landfills. The EPA reports that mobile waste is increasing in America at the rate of 8 %. Dealing with e-waste The alarming thing about so-called e-waste is with a large part of it cannot be called waste; rather it comprises precious recyclable material. Moreover, many of the...